8 Jan


With technology developing at an unprecedented rate, 2024 is predicted to be a watershed year in the history of tourism. Experts keep a close eye on technological advancements and are knowledgeable about current trends. The top five tourist trends that are expected to acquire the most traction in the upcoming year have been determined by experts. provided to you by Travel Review.

  • Custom AI Assistants for Back Office

By 2024, it’s expected that all contemporary back offices will have personalised AI assistants. These aides will enable better decision-making based on in-depth analysis and assist in providing team members with pertinent information around-the-clock. They can also serve as a brainstorming and idea-bouncing partner.



  • An increase in automated bookings

It should come as no surprise that automated bookings are one of the major trends in travel forecast for 2024 considering our growing reliance on technology.

It’s important to advertise in the locations where your target audience looks for vacations. Whether they are just beginning their research or are prepared to book, programmatic advertising allows you to target your messaging to the exact position of your consumers in the funnel and encourage them to click the “book” button.


  • Faster mobile bookings

Up to 70% of us are thought to plan our vacations using cell phones. 72% of smartphone reservations come within two days of a Google search, demonstrating our rapid thinking.




  • Bigger bleisure trips

Bleisure travel refers to the blending of business and leisure travel, as the term could imply. Thus, you may schedule a quick getaway to a city before or after a conference or plan a week-long beach vacation following a major international meeting.

It is now expected to overtake business travel, with over 89% of respondents indicating that they will combine leisure travel with work travel.


  • A surge in sustainable tourism

Nowadays, a lot of tourists want to return from their trip a better version of themselves, not less fit and healthier than when they went.

Consequently, there’s a rising tendency to look for vacations and excursions that include activities that improve our knowledge, wellbeing, and even physical health.




Credit – Tourism Review News

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