Outside event
8 Oct


If there’s only going to be a few of you and the meeting can be conducted tech-free, you don’t really have much to think about.

If this isn’t the case, there are a number of things to consider – but the following three should definitely feature in your planning.


  • Audiovisual


For meetings requiring a lot of audiovisual equipment, it might be worth staying indoors.


Consider the extra costs and time involved in setting up projection screens, microphones and laptops.


Also keep in mind that it can be difficult, or in some instances impossible to control lighting and ambient noise.


  • Backup plan


Have an alternative venue in case, the weather turns bad.


Make a note of local hotels, cafes and coworking spaces that might be able to accommodate you on the day.

  • Expect the unexpected


In a way, this could help set people at ease and kickstart creative engagement.


If for whatever reason holding a meeting outside just isn’t viable, why not compromise by bringing the outdoors in?

If possible, make use of your office’s roof terrace, fill your meeting space with plants or simply allow participants to take a short break outside.

Get out and give it a try!


Outdoor Spaces can be creative Conference Areas – think laterally!


1.5 to 2m, the distance recommended to maintain between you and people outside of your household, has become our new directive. Outdoor spaces have much better ventilation conditions where the airborne virus won’t transfer as easily as indoors. How to use outdoor spaces for conference and other activities with social distancing in mind? We can adapt, by moving meetings outside utilizing existing benches, parking lots, and neighbourhood open spaces. Heating elements can be added for colder winter months.


Offering flexibility for companies’ indoor programs like conferencing, huddling, café times and working outdoors is not only just responding to the current COVID pandemic but is also helping to improve efficiency and the well-being of employees for the long term.


So why not be on this forefront? Is there an opportunity to utilise outdoor spaces in your office park/building more creatively for all the benefits listed above?


Content per bamcreative

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